Vassalboro Trails Committee Mission and Goals
The Vassalboro Trails Committee was set up by the selectmen in May 2006 to fulfill the Town’s vision that was embodied in the Town Plan of 2006 to have "a Trail Plan for the town and to promote existing trails and seek opportunities for new trails.”
To enhance the quality of life for the Vassalboro community by developing, maintaining and/or promoting non-motorized trails within the town; Trails could be used for recreating or connecting community, public resources and natural resources.
1) Promote outdoor recreation with safe, easily accessible on and off -road paths for walking, biking, skiing, horse riding and other non-motorized uses.
2) Connect residents by trails to each other and to community destinations such as outdoor recreation areas (e.g. fishing areas, recreation fields, swimming, skating); public facilities (e.g. library, school, post office, stores);
3) Seek opportunities to connect trails internally or externally when appropriate.
4) Develop long term funding strategies to be able to develop and maintain public trails.
Tasks for year 1-3:
1) Identify and map:
Current public trails
Abandoned rail and trolley lines
Town destinations
Safe bike routes
2) Identify roads needing shoulders and or sidewalks in high density areas or high foot volume areas.
3) Publicize existing Trails
4) Get public input into where trails are most needed or desirable and have a dialogue about developing trails
5) Identify possible future trails to link destinations
6) Organize subcommittees to work on : road side ped and bikeways, rail-to - trail use, equestrian trails, water trails, mapping trails and long term funding
7) Work with existing gov’t and non-gov’t agencies such as the Vassalboro Conservation Commission and the Kennebec Land Trust. Clarify relationship with the conservation commission, the selectmen and town manager
8) Work with the Conservation Commission to develop long term funding strategies
Committee Members:
Holly Weidner
Vivian Flamm
Sue Haines
Paul Mitnik
Pam Colvin
Ian MacKinnon
David Jenney
Bobbie Masse
Bob Turner
Elizabeth Davidson
Trails Brochure
Vassalboro Nature Trails
Would you like to take a quiet off-road walk? This informational brochure is intended to make you aware of some wonderful nature walks available in our town of Vassalboro.
The properties listed are privately or town owned with public access. The owner should be notified immediately if you notice a hazardous condition or have a specific concern. The Members of the Vassalboro Trails Committee, Vassalboro Conservation Committee and the Town of Vassalboro shall not be responsible or liable for your use of these properties. This brochure has been created by the Vassalboro Trails Committee.
Vassalboro Wildlife Habitat – 220 acres Webber Pond Road
220 acres (Nature trail is off Webber Pond Road - 0.7 miles south of Natanis Golf Course Clubhouse on left) This beautiful mixed woodlands and wetlands contains 2,200 feet of undeveloped shoreline on Webber Pond. The area is home to beaver, deer, small mammals, hawks and other birds. It is managed by the Kennebec Land Trust. Protecting this acreage will help guard Webber Pond water quality for future generations. Motor vehicles are prohibited. The existing trail for snowmobiles is exempt. Hunting is by permission in specified areas only.
Dogs must be leashed.
Contact Information:
Kennebec Land Trust website ( 377-2848
Davidson Nature Preserve – 97 acres Taber Hill Road
Another property managed by the Kennebec Land Trust, here are blueberry fields open for picking, mixed woodlands, and a heron rookery situated above a beaver bog. In addition to the many songbirds nesting here, the preserve is an important stop-over point for spring and fall long-distant migrants, especially warblers. Off road parking is available.
Directions: From Augusta take Route 201 north to Vassalboro. Turn east on the Bog Road for approximately 2.2 miles to the intersection of the Taber Hill Road. Turn left (north) on Taber Hill Road for approximately 1 mile. Look for the KLT sign and registration box at the wooden gate on the left (west) side of Taber Hill Road. No blazed trails, but short, easy walks on paths from Taber Hill Road to blueberry fields and the north end of the bog.
No motor vehicles or bicycles are permitted (the existing snowmobile trail is exempt) and no dogs are allowed as they disturb ground nesting birds (hunting dogs are exempt).
Contact Information:
Kennebec Land Trust website ( 377-2848
Annie Sturgis Sanctuary Nature Walk – 40 acres Cushnoc Road -
Annie Sturgis Sanctuary, Vassalboro, ME – Cushnoc Road. The New England Wildflower Society has a 40-acre tract along the Kennebec River that is notable for its large stand of Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense), which is extremely rare in Maine, and for a variety of other lime-loving plants. Woodland wildflowers include bloodroot, trout lily, and purple trillium.
Directions: Take Webber Pond Road across 201 (opposite Randy’s Autos) for approximately 0.2 miles and then turn right onto Cushnoc Road for approximately 0.5 miles to the Sanctuary entrance sign. Parking is on shoulder of road.
Vehicles, dogs and pets are not allowed.
Contact Information:
New England Wild Flower Society
Annie Sturgis Sanctuary
Hemingway Rr., Framingham, MA. 01701
Tele.: (508) 877-7630
Vassalboro Community School and Town Conservation Trail Webber Pond Road
(Located behind the Vassalboro Community School south of the athletic fields. A kiosk marks the entrance off the baseball field)
This 0.4 miles walk will wind you through the grass into the woods and over wetlands. Take the time to see the variety of plant and animal life, hear the sounds that break the stillness and feel the textures of leaves, bark and wood. Note the outcropping of Vassalboro schist.
Motor vehicles and bicycles are not allowed. All dogs must be leashed. Hunting and shooting is prohibited.
Contact Information: Vassalboro Community School
Copyright © 2008 (David Jenney). Design by Andreas Viklund.